

6/3 at 18:00 until 4/4

The exhibition „Hawks and Doves“ shows historical photos of hawks and doves in combination with large scale paintings of book pages. The exhibition deals with the economic and social consequences of industrialization, the topic of how exploitation and social progress were connected.

The symbolic connotations of these birds are ancient: hawks are associated with hunting and warfare, while doves symbolize home and peace. The terms “hawks” and “doves” also represent opposing attitudes toward monetary policy and economic development. Hawks tend to support stricter monetary policies aimed at controlling inflation, whereas doves advocate for looser monetary policies to stimulate economic growth. In this context, doves and hawks symbolize policymakers and advisors within central bank committees, classified according to their expected voting behavior. The artist’s work delves into the economic and social consequences of industrialization, examining how exploitation and social progress have been historically intertwined.

Nina Maria Küchler

Lives and works in Hamburg and Berlin. She studied Fine Art at HBK Braunschweig. In her work, she explores utopian ideas in art and their socio-political implications. Is there such a thing as an ideal living space? What would it look like, and what aesthetic criteria must it meet to be both atmospheric and socially and politically optimal? Selected exhibitions include Modular Memories, Galerie Carolyn Heinz, Hamburg (DE), and More than One, Leuenroth Galerie, Frankfurt (DE) (2024), as well as All Curators are Bastards, Pilotenküche, Leipzig (DE) (2022). In 2022, she was awarded the Fundaziun Nairs prize in Switzerland.