Délka představení 49 min.
Vstupné: 150 Kč / zdarma pro účastníky workshopu Ryuzo Fukuhara / Silent Dialogue / Taneční Workshop (BUTOH)
Společně s performerem Ryuzem Fukuharou vystoupí perkusionistka Tracy Lisk!
Umělec je obklopen vrstvami, které se skládají z různých prvků, jako je vzduch, zvuk, světlo, teplota, vůně, či pohled na diváka apod. Každé místo má specifické vrstvy, které se také skládají z různých složek. Tyto prvky vytvářejí tok neustálými změnami situace. Proud vrstev volá performera, aby s nimi začal konverzovat pomocí svého těla a mysli. Pokouší se hledat vztah mezi scenérií a tělem, performerem a publikem. Ve svém těle má také různé vrstvy. Vnitřní a vnější vrstva si navzájem odpovídají. Pohybuje se reakcí všech svých smyslů a všech vrstev. Snaží se vizualizovat a promítat vrstvy kolem svého těla. Toto je koncept představení Ryuza Fukuhary „Do vrstev“.
A performer is surrounded by layers which are made up of diverse elements such as air, sound, light, temperature, smell and view of spectator, etc... Every location has specific layers, which consists different ingredients as well. These elements make flow by constant changing of the situation. The flow of layers invite the performer and he begins a conversation with it by his body and mind. He tries to search in pursuit of the relationship between scenery and body, performer and audience. He also has different layers within his body. The inside and outside layers correspond each other. He makes movements by the response of all his senses and all the layers. He tries to visualize and project the layers around his body. This is the concept of my performance “Into the Layers“.
Tracy Lisk/
Tracy Lisk is a percussionist, painter, and curator who resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She received an MFA at the University of Arizona where she studied painting. Founder of improvisational duo (formerly trio & quartet) Wormhole Superette, which was featured at the 2016 FringeArts Festival (of which Mr. Fukuhara was also a part), and performed at The Event Horizon Series at the Rotunda, among other venues in Philadelphia, and is a regular performer at Frantasia Improvisational Music Festival in Maine, for several seasons, as well the Thursday Experiment in Holyoke, Massachusetts.
Ms. Lisk has studied percussion in Salvador and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and performed in, as well as lead percussion ensembles in Philadelphia. In 2019, she performed solo at XFest in Worcester, Massachusetts, and will be a part of the upcoming HOT Series in April (Philadelphia), Electronic/Experimental Music At Quinn's (Beacon, NY) in July, and Xfest - Cyprus, Aug 1-4.
Links: https://wormholesuperette.bandcamp.com/